The new site is in the final testing stages and we are going to launch the site within the next 2 weeks! Check out the screen shot at the top.
I wanted to write a post about the way an 'expert' can be paid. I am quoting expert because anyone can try to be an expert--ie anyone can try to answer a math question . However, we are using an algorithm that will pretty quickly identify which users provide the best answers to your questions . This happens in a few ways. First off, we are going to get a little help from students.
Here's how it will work.
1) Suppose you have the following question : What is a derivative? . After all, who hasn't had this question at some point in their life;)
2) You post the question on our site, along with how money you would be willing to pay for the answer to your question (all of the current site users at www.mathwarehouse.com are going to get a coupon so you'll be able to ask a question or two for free!) .
It is completely free to ask any question.
3) Other users including some math experts that we have hired. ( I will write a post about who the experts are and how we identify certain, regular site users as 'experts' in certain areas) will answer your question and will send you previews of their answers. If you think that a preview looks good, then you can purchase the full response. Before purchasing answer, you can look at the tutor's profile and see how he/she has been rated.
4) After buying the answer to your question, read over the answer and ask the tutor any clarifying questions (Hopefully, you do not want to have someone simply do your math homework but rather actually want to understand the answer to your question.)
5) Rate the tutor's answer and ...the process continues!
Nice blog to reading thanks for sharing such useful information this is very helpful for students who learn online and want Homework Assistance Help .And keep continue to sharing useful information for us.
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