However, it soon became clear that there were not enough experts/teachers who were willing to give substantial amounts of their time to answer all the homework questions(There are almost 2,000 questions right now. It's not a small job) I found some very smart people to help out with the questions, and the website has been funding their work for a few months.
This lead to my thinking about the best way to connect experts who can answer math questions with students who are willing to pay for help with their homework. We came up with the following system:
-Anyone can ask any question for free!
-However, when you ask a question, you state how much you would be willing to pay to buy the help that you need.
-Any expert can answer the question. If you want to answer a question, you write a preview of your answer (and the full answer), only the preview will be sent to the question asker.
After you get your answer, you can give the tutor a rating and write a comment-this will help the future students who might want to work with that tutor.